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Assisted stretching can help improve your balance by reminding your brain how to communicate with your muscles. This can help make your everyday movements easier, more trustworthy and even help prevent falls. Don’t believe me? Proprioception is the idea that your body can sense where your other body parts are in space. Simply put we use this concept everyday when reaching for cereal above the fridge, we just inherently know how far we have to reach without thinking about it. By stretching we improve our body’s ability to send signals to our extremities, making us feel more stable and coordinated.

Assisted stretching helps loosen tight muscles that can mess with your posture and balance. Muscles could be tight on only one side, pulling your body out of alignment, making it harder to keep your balance. With one of our stretch therapists we can help even out those imbalances so that you don’t have to think about not stumbling. If you feel like you relate to this now just know it’s not going to get better on its own.

Not only do we see physical benefits from assisted stretching but it also helps your brain function better. Our stretch therapists can provide you an easy going, stress and anxiety free environment that will help you improve your balance. This is because when you’re less stressed and your muscles are more relaxed, you can move more freely and be able to react quicker too. The mental clarity that assisted stretching can provide for you is just as beneficial as all the physical benefits too. Everything works together. Your mind and body along with you and your stretch therapist.